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ICAEW: The New Boardroom Agenda campaign

The challenge

The ICAEW New Boardroom Agenda campaign explores why long-term stewardship is vital to good management of companies, and the role that the board of directors plays in doing so. The objectives of the campaign were to position ICAEW as advocates for good corporate governance and engage members with innovative thinking and practical advice, with the aim of re-energising the community and providing support to help them make real and positive change in their organisations.

ICAEW Boards on laptop

Our solution

We designed a campaign targeted primarily at board members and c-suite executives, including ICAEW members and non-members, as well as existing ICAEW Corporate Governance Community members. We also wanted the campaign to inspire middle management, and those new to the profession who may aspire to be board members in future and are committed to making positive change in the profession.

To bring the campaign messages to life we told the stories of board members that have broken the mould – such as Karen Hester, chief operating officer at Adnams, and Graeme Pitkethly, CFO of Unilever, an ICAEW member and holder of one of the most prominent finance jobs in the word. We also shot a film with Guy Singh-Watson of Riverford Organic Farmers, a £100m business he built from scratch.  

Photo of Guy from Riverford picking berries

This is a great initiative from ICAEW to promote sustainable growth and explore the impact board members can have – a truly inspiring video of belief, realising potential and making a difference. Proud to support this program helping people be the best they can be

ICAEW member
Photo of Guy from Riverford
Photo of Karen from Adnams

Alongside the films sat a raft of content split into five key themes – Building a sustainable business; Building a stronger, more effective board; Managing risk and building resilience; Strengthening culture and stakeholder trust.

This content included profile interviews, podcasts and a series of articles, as well as a set of in-depth practical guides to help boards and their teams make the right decisions for the long-term.

Results have been impressive, beating all KPIs. Highlights include:


impressions on paid socials


increases in corporate governance community membership


view-through rate on Instagram for the Karen Hester video

Savills: a powerful strategic partnership

  • Content strategy
  • Design
  • Editorial & copywriting
  • Illustration
  • Insight
  • Photography
  • Print
  • Social

The context

Savills is the epitome of property expertise in the UK and internationally. Be it residential, commercial, rural, planning, development or research, the brand commands authority in each sector.

Our solution

Given the range of sectors and audiences, the programme’s collective output is wide-ranging, covering all media in all formats: The Savills Portfolio showcases prime residential properties around the world; Impacts leads the way with investor research and thought leadership; the latest UK data is brought to life with flagship reports and analysis, while our special reports for Savills World Research hone in on the hottest topics globally.

Everything we create for the programmes shares a united vision. With our deep brand understanding, editorial acumen and design brilliance, we’re a fitting champion for this smart market leader.

Our partnership with Savills delivers a host of content programmes that put the company front of mind for targeted buyers, sellers, landlords, tenants, investors, developers and property analysts across the world

A fresh take on freemasonry

  • Design
  • Editorial & copywriting
  • Illustration
  • Photography
  • Print

The challenge

The United Grand Lodge of England came to us with an image problem. Negative myths and misconceptions surrounded the activities of the ancient lodges, whose workings are famously mysterious. It wanted to show freemasonry’s contemporary face.

FMT spread with stats and infographics

Our solution

Our response started with a revamp of Freemasonry Today, the quarterly magazine for United Grand Lodge of England – one of the oldest orders, with 8,000 lodges, including 12 overseas. Moving on from a focus on history, ritual and exclusivity, the magazine now reveals an organisation that is progressive, forward-looking and part of the fabric of modern society.

FMT spread with illustrations of people recording podcast
Man sat in old chair holding gin glass

The results

Lifestyle writers, fashion photographers and broadsheet journalists bring a fresh perspective to freemasonry, while an exciting redesign furthers the magazine’s appeal to younger readers. Importantly, we also shine a spotlight on the order’s charitable work as one of the largest charity givers in the UK, revealing how its philanthropic contributions directly benefit the community and advance medical research.

The magazine reveals an organisation that is progressive, forward-looking and part of the fabric of modern society

Savills makes an international impact

  • Design
  • Editorial & copywriting
  • Illustration
  • Photography
  • Print

The challenge

Savills World Research leads the way on global real-estate issues. But not everyone knows it. To showcase Savills’ insight and intelligence to a wider world, we create brilliant content that reaches new audiences on an international scale, from clients, investors and policy advisors to journalists, influencers and academics.

The solution

To cut through, we design content with authority and clout. A flagship print publication, complemented by a suite of interactive digital content, tackles issues of investment risks and rewards, with thought-leading articles by independent global experts. Trends, both macro and micro, are forecast; socio-economic and political contexts are analysed; policies and policymakers are probed.

Impacts received extraordinary PR coverage across international media, including the front page of FT.

It all adds up to a hefty package of world-class content – an innovative and invaluable resource that successfully attracts the attention of target audiences around the globe.

Email open rates are now reaching 36% – 250% higher than previously – when the industry average is 19%

The Savills Portfolio hits a prime-time high

  • Content strategy
  • Design
  • Editorial & copywriting
  • Illustration
  • Insight
  • Photography
  • Print

The challenge

The high-end real-estate business is incredibly competitive. To stand out from rivals and showcase its market-leading expertise, Savills needed a communications strategy that packed a punch.

Our solution

With our online, email and print programme, we gave them the ammunition to cut through and prove its outstanding knowledge, unrivalled experience and standout portfolio of prime properties.

A luxurious 168-page annual embodies the brand and forms an exclusive ‘gift’ for agents to give to prospects. Beautifully crafted, with premium production values, it tells design-led stories, gives expert insights and sparkles with property eye-candy. As the backbone to the brand, content is repositioned online in The Savills Portfolio content hub and on social channels, and new content is created regularly to maintain momentum throughout the year.

The results

A premium aesthetic unites all channels – the style, format and design represent a new look and feel for the sector. And the content clearly resonates with an audience that is accustomed to quality. The most recent online content achieved more than 10,000 web views in the first week, an average email open rate of 32%, and social views hit 52,000.

The content gives expert insights and sparkles with property eye-candy

A sparkling e-commerce offering for Moët Hennessy

  • Editorial & copy

The challenge

Moët Hennessy is the parent company of a number of well-known champagnes, wines and spirits. Granting us access to unique information from these prestigious maisons, we were tasked with establishing a consistent style and tone of voice for product descriptions and landing pages for a new e-commerce platform (Clos19), which also functions as a community hub for information and authentic experiences.

Our Solution

A wealth of sparkling content was created from scratch for each maison, alongside newsletters, social copy and printed brochures. Today, through the Clos19 platform, Moët Hennessy sells its own brands (Veuve Clicquot, Dom Pérignon, Krug, Belvedere, Hennessy, Glenmorangie and more) and has recently expanded to offer non Moët Hennessy brands, too. Visitors to the site can also find recommendations and food pairings directly from the producers, and buy exclusive products, sets and accessories and experiences only available on Clos19.

Alongside the products on offer, there is Journal19, a blog that we create editorial content for. Blog content consistently features in the top five editorial pieces across the site, with time on page and bounce rate having improved – the latter by 37%.

Excellence matters for The Royal Marsden

  • Content strategy
  • Design
  • Editorial & copywriting
  • Illustration
  • Photography
  • Print
  • Social
  • Video & audio

The challenge

‘Life demands excellence.’ The Royal Marsden’s pledge reflects a first-class approach to everything it does. That includes communication – with its patients, staff, research partners, foundation trust members and fundraisers. And the world-leading cancer hospital has truly important stories to tell – of clinical brilliance, best medical practice, pioneering research, human compassion and outstanding care.

Staff in hospital laughing with young patient

Our solution

To showcase the differing audiences’ needs, we created a suite of bespoke print publications. The tailored content is shot through with expert voices and patient case studies to make complex medical science a readable and tangible reality.

Medical staff member in scrubs holding box of medical equipment

The results

With more than 50 issues published, RM is the confident flagship magazine, a quarterly title for patients, staff and stakeholders. Private Care showcases the hospital’s first-class private service. Progress champions the fundraising efforts of The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Advance highlights the hospital’s scientific breakthroughs in partnership with the Institute of Cancer Research and their joint Biomedical Research Centre.

Our work for The Royal Marsden is pro bono, yet each publication is crafted to the highest standards. With unique access to leading clinicians, patients and surgical procedures, the photography and editorial packs a real punch.

The latest issue of Progress raised more than £50k in donations for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity – that’s a 35% year-on-year increase

Original thinking from London Business School

  • Content strategy
  • Editorial & copywriting
  • Insight
  • Photography
  • Social
  • Video & audio


London Business School was looking to raise the profile of its leadership programmes and executive courses among experienced senior level and c-suite professionals across the globe. All first-rate business schools offer an almost identical portfolio of leadership programmes, making it difficult for a potential prospect to make an informed decision about which course might be right for them.

Photo of a woman standing on a balcony.
Man in suit sat in front of black building


We developed a multi-channel campaign that demonstrated clearly and confidently what to expect from an LBS leadership programme by focusing on career outcomes as well as the quality of the learning experience. We filmed eight successful business leaders who were LBS alumni, who shared their own stories about the programme they had attended and how it helped to accelerate their career as well as build up their business network. We also shot portrait photography and created assets for organic and paid social, email and web.

Image of London Business School website on a laptop

The video and portrait photography were shot at the London Design Centre in North Greenwich, whose modern architecture and innovative space created a unique, non-corporate backdrop for the Original Thinkers campaign. By focusing on first person experiences and career outcomes, rather than on selling courses, the campaign – supported by a paid media plan – achieved brand awareness and cut-through for the LBS leadership offering in a more engaging, personal, and thoughtful way.


paid media impressions


website sessions


leads generated

Launching the Clarins Express Skin Service

  • Content strategy
  • Design
  • Editorial & copywriting
  • Photography
  • Video & audio

The challenge

The Clarins Express Skin Service includes nine complementary services in-store customers can choose from, which focus on skincare treatments, make-up tutorials and body pampers. The brand asked Sunday to create content that supports its ambition to highlight and reclaim Clarins’ heritage in treatments and skincare expertise through a series of content assets that need to be deployed through the funnel.

Our solution

We began by setting out a series of creative principles to give the work a natural feel and make it stand out from some of the sterile competition. The visual identity has a daylight feel, a sense of place and captures pampered ‘moments’. The result is a warm, relatable approach that showcases the expertise and personal touch of Clarins.

The results

The Sunday in-house video, creative and copywriting teams produced video and still photography, and copy toolbox sets were produced for each of the nine services, with assets created for social, web and POS.

Woman in red massaging man's face
Close up of woman's face
Woman stood behind another woman spritzing her hair

We knew instantly that Sunday was the agency for us. Not only did they understand our brand like they were part of our team, the content they then produced really reflected that. They were a dream to work with, everything felt so easy and ran like clockwork. They’re the real deal – a team of content wizards who can work their magic on any project.

Adam Hall-Matthews
Customer Experience Manager

John Lewis & Partners: products with personality

  • Content strategy
  • Editorial & copywriting
  • Photography
  • Video & audio

The challenge

John Lewis & Partners is the only British retailer with its own skilled team manufacturing home furnishings products – a fact not many of its customers know. To help it shout about this unique offering, we visited the company’s textile factory, Herbert Parkinson, to film the skilled craftspeople behind each product.

Laptop showing the John Lewis HP page

Our solution

We spent time getting to know the makers and captured candid, warm footage of people at work, as well as painting a vivid picture of the homewares themselves.

Two men standing looking away from camera
Two people talking whilst cutting fabric

This looks awesome! Truly magical. From the start of this journey we have jumped several hoops and challenges. Through sheer determination and a collective effort, we got there. A massive thank you from me and the HP Team

Stuart McDonald
Partner & Head of Branch, Herbert Parkinson

The results

The suite of three videos and a collection of stills photography featured across the John Lewis & Partners’ website, an email campaign and on screens in stores to ensure maximum engagement with the target audience and reveal the true character of the products.

Woman working on sewing machine

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