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Sunday comes of age

Toby Smeeton, Managing Director

  1. Learned: I’ve come to terms with the name of the agency. During a session in the pub 18 years ago we scored potential names on the understanding that the name with the most points would be chosen. ‘Sunday’ won, and my heart sank. I’ve embraced it now, although I think ‘Sundae’ would have been better.
  2. Learned: A coach once told me that after the Hoover Dam was built, much to scientists’ amazement, non-local species were found in the water. The coach used the phrase ‘create the environment, and the creature appears’ as a metaphor for company culture. I hope that at Sunday we’ve created an environment that is inclusive and human, supportive rather than top-down, and one where low-ego, creative creatures can appear.
  3. Discovered: Imposter syndrome never goes away (and is at its worst when standing up in front of the agency) so I’ve learned to try and ignore it. I’m still waiting for someone to tap me on the shoulder and say, “Oh no, not you, not this, what were you thinking? Bugger off!”
  4. Learned: Curiosity, creativity and oomph (as my mother would say) are critical to a successful agency. Life is short – keep moving, keep learning, stay interested and interesting. Crack on!
  5. Discovered: Playing to people’s strengths rather than forcing them to be people they’re not super-charges teams. I hated being told what I needed to improve when I knew I wasn’t wired that way. Complementary and diversely skilled teams are very powerful.
  6. Proud: I’m so grateful that 18 years ago, we thought that possibly, just possibly, we might be able to create a business that delivered great work, might be solvent, and could be a lot of fun. We do, it is, and it remains so.

Steph Hill, Client Services Director

  1. Discovered: I’ve been working with Toby and Chris for 28 years, which is 16.1 years longer than the average UK marriage.
  2. Proud: The Serco pitch win (the fastest agency appointment in history).
  3. Discovered: Chris once dressed up as a near-naked Jesus for a fancy dress party. 17 years later I still can’t unsee it.
  4. Proud: The Welcome Inclusion Campaign for ICAEW – 6 award wins and countin
  5. Discovered: Despite the posh persona, Toby turns into Jim Davidson when talking to London taxi drivers.
  6. Proud: The fabulous CLV stats on OcadoLife magazine – it’s a joy to be able to track print ROI!

Chris Lee, Finance and HR Director

  1. Proud: Client retention – we are doing good work.
  2. Proud: Staff retention – we have created a good agency environment.
  3. Proud: Successful migration from print to digital, social, video, audio…
  4. Proud: Seamless(ish) migration from 60 people working in the office to 60 people WFH when lockdowns hit.
  5. Proud: That (almost) all our clients are household names.
  6. Discovered: Toby and casual attire are not happy bedfellows.

Launching Lingo

  • Content production
  • Content strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Design
  • Social

The challenge

When US health brand Abbott was working on the launch of a wearable biosensor aimed at consumers, it needed content. And it needed it fast.

The new sensor tracks the wearer’s glucose (interstitial fluid) and a linked app shows all the data in real time, allowing users to optimise their exercise and nutrition regimens, and overall health. Content was needed to walk through the first eight weeks of the user’s experience to keep them engaged and give them useful nudges to help keep them aligned with their goals.

An attractive young woman doing exercises on a yoga mat by following an online app on her smartphone.
Abbott app mobile screenshots food and exercise
Home made freshness stir fry asparagus, green beans, and broccoli, with sesame oil and soy sauce
Close up of woman slicing avocado on wooden board at home. Vegetarian food concept.

Our solution

We set a new tone of voice for Lingo content and then worked with independent health, fitness and nutrition experts to create more than 100 unique features, all aligned with various points on the many possible routes through the app that a wearer’s data could show. Companion imagery was selected for each feature to bring the copy to life.

It’s a hefty package of content that’s an invaluable resource and helping to change the lives of Lingo users.

Abbott mobile screenshot

The Future of Audit: a multichannel digital content campaign

  • Content strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Design
  • Photography
  • Print
  • Social
  • Video & audio


Confirmation, part of Thomson Reuters, provides specialist auditing software suitable for use by any organisation involved in the auditing process. As the industry faces a huge period of change and controversy, Confirmation is seeking to establish itself as a leading voice in shaping how that future looks and becoming an indispensable partner in the auditing process.

Confirmation was looking at routes to convey this specialist knowledge, establishing itself as a thought leader but equally to retain and drive acquisition of clients for the company’s software. Our content needed to achieve both of these objectives without appearing to focused on either – accessible and informative rather than too salesy or too academic.

Photo of Simon Binggeli, EY
Whitepaper spread for Future of Audit
Whitepaper spread for Future of Audit


Sunday identified experts from a range of industry bodies, as well those at the coal face of auditing in practice, to bring together a comprehensive view of how auditing will need to adapt over the coming years. Experienced writers interviewed the experts across film and in print, which included beautifully crafted graphs and illustrations to bring the statistics and predications to life in an accessible way. Post-print, the illustrations were repurposed as graphics and amplified across Confirmation’s social channels to expand the reach and engagement of the content.

Social post with a bar chart

Through several expert interviews, we were able to generate, repurpose and amplify a suite of materials for use across all the organisation’s marketing channels. During filming we maximised output against its spend by capturing engaging customer testimonials for use on social channels.

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