When John Lewis Financial Services launched the new John Lewis Partnership Credit Card, it needed project management, creative and editorial support to produce a wide range of customer-facing communications. We devised a full content plan to manage the complexity of the messaging, the segmentation and the multiple stakeholders involved.

Throughout the process, we worked as an extension of the client’s team, supporting it to plan content with the customer journey front of mind. This involved collaborating with JLFS’s partner agencies to ensure a consistent tone of voice and visual identity. Our agile project management meant we were able to be reactive to client requests, bringing in the appropriate copywriting and design skills at key stages.

Since the launch, we have continued working with the JLFS team, helping develop the next stage of creative messaging for the Partnership Credit Card and providing support across its other insurance and investment products. These include creative for seasonal campaigns for its Pet Insurance, Savings and Investments and Foreign Exchange teams.