The context
Savills is the epitome of property expertise in the UK and internationally. Be it residential, commercial, rural, planning, development or research, the brand commands authority in each sector.

Our solution
Given the range of sectors and audiences, the programme’s collective output is wide-ranging, covering all media in all formats: The Savills Portfolio showcases prime residential properties around the world; Impacts leads the way with investor research and thought leadership; the latest UK data is brought to life with flagship reports and analysis, while our special reports for Savills World Research hone in on the hottest topics globally.
Everything we create for the programmes shares a united vision. With our deep brand understanding, editorial acumen and design brilliance, we’re a fitting champion for this smart market leader.

Our partnership with Savills delivers a host of content programmes that put the company front of mind for targeted buyers, sellers, landlords, tenants, investors, developers and property analysts across the world