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What we’ve been up to

Championing EDI in branded content

Our senior account manager, Gina, chats to OcadoLife’s deputy editor, Jasmine, about equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) principles in branded content and why they matter.

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Making the move to Sunday

Moving from one content agency to another needn’t fill you with dread. Done right, the transition can be a smooth and rewarding process.

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Email newsletters that convert

Ever feel like you’re shouting into the void with your email newsletter? Our digital writers and editors are here to help.

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5 ways to maximise your membership revenue

The most important factor in everything you do as a membership organisation is the value you provide your members.

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The power of thinking beyond the membership

Membership organisations have a great story to tell. The trick is understanding how to make the right parts resonate with the right audience.

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8 social media trends: what’s hot and what’s not

Ready to raise your social game? Here are our insider tips on what’s in and what’s out for 2024.

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In praise of experts

It wasn’t too long ago that ‘expert’ nearly became a dirty word. But the tide has turned in a post-Covid world, providing an opportunity for expert-driven membership content to hit harder.

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Data: a storyteller’s best friend

More than just a metric for success or failure, data is a rich source of inspiration for storytellers, helping editors craft timely, meaningful content for member organisations.

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Ready for change

“Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up.”

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3 essentials for audience-centric content

Every post is a drop in the ocean, so how do you ensure yours creates a splash, has awesome engagement, expands your reach and boosts your follower count?

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Think anew and act anew: the truth behind digital migration

What is the real rationale for digital content migration and how do you avoid hybrid content that is neither fish nor fowl?

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Why you should be podcasting

Podcast listener figures are set to reach 20 million by 2024. Why are podcasts so effective at engaging your audience?

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Finding your content muse: is it Emma from Guildford?

Buyer personas are essential to help define your content marketing strategy. But how do you develop true empathy with your target audience?

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Why H2H marketing beats B2C and B2B 

Whether you consider your audience to be B2B or B2C, remember that people buy from people. Human-to-human (H2H) marketing is where it’s at.

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The cookie crumbles

Our digital strategy director Jo on the demise of Google cookies. Or not, as the case may be.

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Be more Coco

There’s too much content out there. How do you cut through the noise to be heard?

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